There really are a lot of marketing options out there.
You have SEO, Google Adwords, YouTube, Pinterest, Twitter, Native Ads, Direct mail (yes direct mail is bigger now than ever) and of course Facebook.
So why Facebook?
I’ll let you in on an insider secret… it isn’t just about the targeting!
Truth is all those I listed have just as good and in some cases better targeting.
So what’s the difference?
How about 2 billion users for one thing!
Think about that for a second. More than 25% of the worlds population decided to actually jump on Facebook and register.
Yes, you can get in front of many of them using Google but Facebook gives you a chance to really connect with them.
When somebody sees your ad they can click on your profile and check you out. Don’t think they aren’t doing that because they are!
Facebook is interruption marketing because nobody gets on Facebook to check out the ads. Except maybe me. :-)
But Facebook is still better than cold traffic because they can somewhat connect with you right there on the ad.
Not to mention that currently the cost of doing so is pretty low. Yes, it will go up but for now it is relatively inexpensive, a low learning curve and it flat out works!
Where to go for help - Join my closed Facebook group - Currently this group is free but that is going away soon. Those who join before I change to a paid format will get to stay in free for life!
Funnel Strategies for Facebook